
Manifesto ‘Let’s talk about our bodies’

Draft Manifesto: Let’s talk about our bodies.   Sex and gender intersect with other social determinants of health, such as age, race, geography and sexual orientation to create compounding barriers to health, with an intersectional approach essential to their dismantling. Polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, fibroids, cardiovascular conditions or undiagnosed cancers. These are merely several common health …

Lancering van het ‘Let’s talk about our bodies’ Manifesto

Persbericht 19 juni 2024 Op woensdag 19 juni vond een belangrijke presentatie en lancering van het ‘Let’s talk about our bodies’ manifest plaats in de UN Women kantoren in Brussel, waar beleidsmakers en experts bijeenkwamen voor het evenement. Geïnitieerd door Europarlementariër Samira Rafaela en georganiseerd in samenwerking met EIWH, EPHA, DSW en WOMEN Inc., lag …

MEP Samira Rafaela; It’s a wrap!

It’s a wrap! Since 2019, I have served Europe and the Overseas Countries and Territories as a Member of the European Parliament for Renew Europe. In 2019, I received the support of many citizens in the wider Kingdom of the Netherlands. The historic support I received from the Caribbean islands is etched in my heart. …

Reverse financial freeze of UNRWA

Subject: Immediate revision financial freeze of UNRWA funds by EU member states needed. Your Excellencies, We are addressing you with a pressing sense of urgency and persistent concern regarding the disastrous humanitarian situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories – particularly Gaza, to urge that the decision by some EU member states to freeze funding to …

CETA : a positive assessment for the European economy and trade.

Renew Europe welcomes the adoption of the first implementation report on the Canada Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA). The agreement, which is still under provisional application since 2017, has brought a positive impact on our trade levels with Canada despite the Covid-19 pandemic and Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. This agreement provides a valuable framework for …


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